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2007 Beetle Power Steering

12-13-2009, 06:49 PM
I'm trying to help a friend solve a power steering issue with her '07 Beetle. The power steering seems to be going out, but she's not sure why, and unfortunately, I don't have much information on recent maintenance. I looked all over and can't seem to locate the power steering resovoir to check the fluid level, so as simple as it might be, I need help locating it.

And possibly repairing the issue afterwards. :wink:

12-13-2009, 10:11 PM
My 2000 New Beetle 2.0 reservoir is to the left of the battery. It is unmarked with a green top and two hoses connected to it. You must use a screw driver to loosen the top. The 2.5 is a little different engine than the 2.0, but i'm sure it's in the same area. Hope this helps.

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