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1998 STS 3rd Taillight

05-29-2007, 02:12 AM
The third taillight on the the top of the trunk lid is not working. Is there any problem that is common with these. We bought the car a couple months ago and I didn't notice this right away. Your help is appreciated.


1998 STS
1997 Park Avenue
1997 GMC Sub
1993 GMC P/U
1971 Datsun 240Z

05-29-2007, 06:02 AM
The only solution is a replacement. Here's some info:

"1998-2004 Cadillac Seville STS LED brake light

Currently unavailable. All 1998 to mid 2001 brake lights leak water. 100% failure. The only current fix is to replace the lamp with a mid 2001 or newer lamp. The mid 2001 and newer lamps use a better sealer. It should also be noted that this brake light is available under 2 different part numbers from Cadillac. It is available alone, or with a unpainted lower trunk close out panel. The current GM replacement part #25697411."

Try www.gmpartsdirect.com or www.gmotors.com for a replacement. You can find used ones on eBay, but I'd be sure they were off a 2001 or newer Seville.

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