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A/C Issue

03-12-2007, 07:59 PM
I have a '99 Venture with around 283,000+ miles on it. Van runs great, but it has had it's share of typical 'Venture issues'. Things like leaky headlights, DIC no longer works, PSD stopped working, (and thanks to the people here, I got it working again), and most recent, I just had the manifold gasket replaced. The issue at the moment is with the A/C. It blows colder on the passenger side than it does on the driver side. Even the vents in the middle of the dast are split. Of the three in the middle, the driver side is not as cold as the middle and the left vent. I don't want to tear blindly into the dash, mainly because I'm getting a little sick of working on it. But if I had an idea or two of what the problem could be, then it would be different. Any ideas out there?

05-29-2007, 08:56 PM
I'm having the same problem with my '99 Venture. If you figure it out, please post the solution. I will do the same.

06-11-2007, 07:53 AM
Can anyone tell me if it is the leaks of the condencer on the Venture always in the same spot around the left side where it is bolted to the frame?

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