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Just In Time???

03-12-2006, 06:21 PM
With a new headgasket just installed on my 95 16 valve I can't get it to fire back up. Now I've set the crank at 0 but which mark do I go by on the cam pulley to know when it's at TDC on the compression stroke. I will then be able to adjust the distributor accordingly and hopefully get this thing to run. I've tried the 'E' and 'I' marks and switched both 180 and have still had no luck. Someone please point me in the right direction so I can get some good sleep at night.

03-12-2006, 09:08 PM
To all that are having a bitch of a time getting their tracker in time I found the best method of all for doing this however I didn't develop it. Follow this LINK (http://www.talkaboutautos.com/group/alt.autos.gm/messages/97816.html) and all your troubles will be fixed. Oh, by the way, the dot you have to line up with the notch on the valve cover is the one with the 'E'. Heres a quicker rundown of the steps.
1) Set the Crank Pulley to the 20 mark.
2) Disconnect timing belt.
2) Set the Cam Pulley to line up the 'E' mark with the notch in the valve cover.
3) Remove distributor cap and distributor and line up the rotor with the number 4 cylinder.
4) Reinstall distributor and distributor cap.
5) Reinstall timing belt DONT MOVE ANYTHING
6) Give er a try.
7) If that didn't work flip it 180 and try again.
8) If you still aren't getting it follow the link.

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