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Gettin ready for cold

08-17-2005, 01:25 AM
I know it is still summer but my van has a prob with the pass. sliding door when it gets under 50degrees. It doesnt want to come unlocked. No matter how hard i pull on it or press unlock it wont open until the van is heated up. Any ideas?

08-17-2005, 06:47 PM
I know it is still summer but my van has a prob with the pass. sliding door when it gets under 50degrees. It doesnt want to come unlocked. No matter how hard i pull on it or press unlock it wont open until the van is heated up. Any ideas?

When you said "cold" I was thinking about freezing. I could see below 32 being something wet that's freezing. I would say that the panel needs to come off and inspect the locking mechanism. Who knows what's causing this.


08-17-2005, 07:55 PM
I know it is still summer but my van has a prob with the pass. sliding door when it gets under 50degrees. It doesnt want to come unlocked. No matter how hard i pull on it or press unlock it wont open until the van is heated up. Any ideas?

Take panel off, and lube with a product called super lube. place it on the latch and roller track..

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