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2000 Pontiac Grand Am SE Problem...

06-26-2005, 12:43 PM

I was visiting my parent's house this weekend and I guess they've been having problems with their 2000 Pontiac Grand Am SE

The problem is, whenever the car is running, in the beginning you hear this odd noise, the best way I can describe the noise is this: It sounds like if you quickly rattle a single penny in a plastic container. So once you first start the car you can hear this noise, then if you start the Air Conditioning, the noise is a bit louder and faster, if yout turn up the AC and turn it off in a fast motion, the noise stops, but if you drive around and stop at a stop sign/light and accelerate, in the very beginning of accelerating, you can hear the noise as well.

Anyone know what the problem is?

Plus, I turned off the car and turned on the AC, and the noise wasn't happening. So I have no idea what it is. If it's possible I can come back with a sound byte.

06-26-2005, 02:16 PM
Its some sort of pulley that is failing or got wet. Usually it is the alternator beginning to fail.

06-26-2005, 05:34 PM
So it has nothing to do with the engine? Thanks for the reply!

Because I opened the hood it sounds like it's coming from the engine... well not from the engine, but somewhere in that area... which isn't a good description.

06-26-2005, 06:16 PM
There is also a possibility that it could be the water pump as well, it makes a similiar noise when it's starting to go out... If anything, have them bring the car in to have it checked out, this way to ensure it's something as simple as an alternator or water pump.

Welcome to the forums.

07-01-2005, 10:25 PM
I was wondering if you guys could hear the soundbyte I created, it's when I start the car. You can hear it about 5 seconds in, it sounds like a coffee maker.

Here's the link: http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0V3YB199R7FPD0UGRBD6VTYMYR

07-02-2005, 08:25 AM
I beleive its your alternator that's going to fail soon.
On my 99, I had the same noise (judging from the soundbyte you provided), and the alternator went shortly after.
Now that I've replaced it, the noise is gone.

Good Luck

07-03-2005, 08:54 PM
After hearing that, it slonds like to me that your rocker arms are jamming against your pushrods on a few of the intakes. Sounds a lot more than alternator pulleys.

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