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Transport TH125 transmission

05-26-2005, 02:54 AM
Can anyone confirm if the TCC solenoid in the 3 speed transmission can be replaced without removing the engine/transmission. I have read on other forums that the side cover can be removed and the solenoid replaced with the engine in-situ , on other makes of pontiac vehicles, but not a Transport 1991 with 3.1 engine.

On another matter I found a Transport for sale in France with a 2.5 petrol engine and manual transmission. Did GM ever make such a model?.



05-26-2005, 05:23 AM
I am not sure about the transport but the solenoid can be replaced with the transmission in place because I have done it before. If you can get to the side cover of the transmission simply remove it and the solenoid is located right there. Remove it and reinstall the new one. I think it takes just a couple of screws. The hardest thing is to reinstall the electric coupler due to space problems. Good Luck!

05-26-2005, 01:44 PM
You should not buy this TS in France , the 2.3 with fuel and the 2.5 with petrol are too small engines. They have here a very bad reputation
The petrol one is a Peugeot engine and too weak


For your transmission to work easily , you can take off the the wheel and the axle

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