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OBD/REadiness Driving Procedures

03-05-2005, 05:22 PM
I just went to have my 1998 van insepcted (NY now has emissions testing) and when they hooked it up to the state computer the message "your vehicle's onboard coputer system is not ready to be tested" Does anyone know what this means, 3 mechanics had no clue. I have not had any work done (except an oil change) and have not had any battery problems. I was told by them to drive it for a few days and come back and try again (my inspection is up tomorrow) any help would be appreciated!!

03-05-2005, 06:55 PM
There is a pretty good explanation of what might be happening here:




I would hope that you would get a more detailed report from the test place (like in one of the posts above).

Happy Hunting!

03-07-2005, 02:11 PM
Those links are very good at explaining the situation. This new emissions test in NY is very complicated and many mechanics still have problems administering it. I had mine done last week on my '90 Lesabre (OBD I) and it passed which surprised me because when I brought the car to the garage to be inspected the SES light came on within a few feet of the facility. I don't know what happened but it passed and no mention was made of the light. The light ended up coming back on after I left the garage, on the way home. I haven't had the chance to check for codes as the weather is still cold and snowy here. In talking with the mechanic, he was mentioning that if it does not pass on the first try, they have to drive the vehicle a certain way for a specified period of time to get the vehicle ready for a re-test. This of course adds time onto the inspection and they only receive $21 for the inspection. ( I'm not sure if they are allowed to charge for the extra time it takes to get a vehicle ready for a retest.) So apparently, if you are going to have your vehicle inspected in NY, it might be to your advantage to drive it at certain speeds and conditions before you bring it in to help it be "ready" for the inspection.

03-30-2005, 01:56 PM

The NYSDMV is relesing a pamphlet concerning the new vehicles emission testing and it adresses the "vehicle not ready to be tested" issue. A lot of it has to do with the codes being cleared by either the vehicle owner prior to bringing the vehicle in for testing, or having work done of the vehicle and having any codes cleared by the shop. Apparently the onboard sensors need more time for the vehicle to operate to do their diagnostics and register any trouble codes before being retested. The emissions test cannot be performed if the sensors have not had enough time to do their job. The pamphlet explains this and tells how to get your vehicle ready for the test. Most shops do not have the pamphlet yet, and the brochure is so new it is not on the NYS DMV's website yet, so if you want a copy, you need to contact the DMV directly.( If you can wait, it should be on the website within a few days, and most shops should have them soon.)

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