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Power steering pump replacement, anyone?

Rene gonzalez
01-04-2005, 11:49 AM
Ok, 88k on the clock and its time to do some maintenance, the pump is starting to leak and I want to get to it ASAP. It’s the mom-mobile and things get urgent she gives me the orders.

So have any of you gone through the removal of the pump?
Here's some questions.
*What all do I need to remove to get to the pump?
*Is it accessible from the top or from beneath?


01-04-2005, 08:52 PM
The pump is fairly easy to change. I just had to remove it out of the way so I could change the lower intake manifold gaskets. You first need to remove the belt. One of the lines has a hard connection and the other is a clamp style. Use a 13MM socket and go through the pully of the PS pump and and remove 3 bolts. It will then lift right out. Make sure the replacement pump has a pully on it.....Good Luck

Rene gonzalez
01-05-2005, 07:48 AM
Thanks, Capri22s

Got it thanks, I take it that all of this is accessable frome the under side. Aneway thanks.

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