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Chevy G20 Cargo Van - High speed problems

08-13-2004, 04:49 PM
Hello All!

Chevy G20 Cargo Van 1992

I've been using my van daily for the past 10 years. For as far as I can remember, while traveling at a STEADY speed of anywhere between 30 - 40mph, the van starts viberating somthing like if you are on a Coney Island roller coaster. If I accelerate to go faster or if I deccelerate to go slower, the vibration disappears. This happens when the engine is under pressure or going uphill. I think the vibration is more concentrated from the rear of the van.

Any ideas would be great! Thanks!

06-20-2006, 05:25 PM
Have your differential checked real soon.

Hello All!

Chevy G20 Cargo Van 1992

I've been using my van daily for the past 10 years. For as far as I can remember, while traveling at a STEADY speed of anywhere between 30 - 40mph, the van starts viberating somthing like if you are on a Coney Island roller coaster. If I accelerate to go faster or if I deccelerate to go slower, the vibration disappears. This happens when the engine is under pressure or going uphill. I think the vibration is more concentrated from the rear of the van.

Any ideas would be great! Thanks!

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