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a/c drain blocked. where is it?

06-24-2004, 10:43 AM
water is leaking into the passenger air well and i can hear it running behind the dash when i turn. stopped using the a/c (don't need it a lot in the uk unfortunately) and the problem stopped. i diagnosed condensation not draining out but can't find the drain as i'm none too bright, can anyone help.

06-24-2004, 04:45 PM
I had this same problem; believe it or not the brilliant engineers at jeep put the drain hose through the frame arm, so it is completely inaccessible. however i did fix the problem and here is how: just below the dashboard on the passenger side you will see a square black plastic box. this is where the water is collecting. connected to this box is a triangular piece of plastic extending downward with a round part at the bottom. take a 1/4 inch drill bit and drill directly through the center of the round part. then using high pressure air blow through the hole. this should dislodge your blockage. if you dont have an air compressor gently probe inside with a coat hanger until water begins to flow out of the bottom of the frame. then repair the hole you made with some epoxy or caulk. then spend the next month trying to get rid of the horrid stench of mildew in the carpet. good luck, I hope this helps.

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