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rear window won't go down.

02-12-2004, 06:37 PM
My wife's aurora has a problem where the driver's side rear window will not go down or up...not even with the driver's switch. Checked it out and doesn't seem to be getting power to it. where do I begin to look for the break in power?

02-12-2004, 08:26 PM
Try checking the wires that go from the door to the body of the car (right where the hinges are). They sometimes get brittle and break, therefor losing power. I have the same problem on the rear drivers side of my car and plan on fixing the wires after it warms up outside. Hope that helps!!!

02-13-2004, 12:11 PM
I already checked the wires there..they were fine. i did check the wiring diagram and they actullay show the hot wire originating at the driver's switch...guess I will check there to see if I got juice.

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