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Supercharger Kit For My 03' 4.3L Sierra

02-09-2004, 10:13 PM
i was thinking about putting a supercharger on my truck after a finish the exhaust and programmer but i cannot find someone who makes it. i have only found the ones for the 4.3L s-10's/jimmy's/blazers,etc. do you guys know where to get one for a full size 4.3L sierra?? thanks, Cody

02-10-2004, 12:04 PM
hey there. I think they havent made one for a fullsize yet. I've done some research and asking on other forums, but seems like no one else has one yet. Maybe I'm wrong. Try this site: www.gmfullsize.com There's lots of techies there and mechanics, plus, you'll get responses in no time.


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