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Too many miles on 95 caddy?

11-18-2003, 12:01 AM
I maybe getting a sedan deville with 126 thousand miles onit with new transmission. just wondering if any one had any input on the high miles. are caddy good cars ?how long do they go before expensive repairs. thanks

11-18-2003, 10:37 AM
I've had Caddy's before but not that year, they are great cars. Only thing I would be concerned with is the new transmission. I've taken GM auto transmissions to 300k miles with no problem. My concern would be the aftermarket transmission. Will you now need to replace again soon because of inferior parts?

Whatever you do, don't get a BMW unless you like getting stranded every where due to Radiator neck breakage.

12-21-2003, 11:06 PM
Caddys are great cars.Wouldnt rather drive anything else than the two that I own.I grew up with Caddys being the only cars that my parents bought.My first car was a Caddy.And let me tell you,just about flawless cars.Never a problem and they went for hundreds of thousands of miles.My family traveled a lot and what better travel in than a Cadillac.Superb ride.We even got one of ours past 500,000 miles before things started going wrong.And they were usually minor ones.Dam good cars.Jump on that deal because its going to be hard to beat.

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